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Northeastern District

IONL represents the Interests of Indiana Nursing Leadership

IONL Northeastern District Information

CHRISTINE HEPLER, MSN, RN, CENP, Northeastern District President

Vice President

Parkview Home & Transitional Services

Cell: 260-414-4730

MINDY KURTZ, MBA, BSN, RN, NPD-BC, Northeastern District Secretary

Director Emergency Departments

Parkview Regional Medical Center & Affiliates

Cell: 260-443-1775

ERIN LaCROSS, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CENP  Northeastern District Immediate Past President

Senior Vice President, Nursing Professional Development

Parkview Health


Med/Surg Tele & Wound Care Nursing Director

Dupont Hospital
2520 E Dupont Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Office: 260-416-3267

District Events

To learn more about events happening in your district, click the button below.

Meeting Minutes and Documents

Click on the button below for access to meeting minutes and other important documents for your district. Access to this information requires a password. If you do not have a password and feel you should have one, contact your district president.